In the midst of a bustling world, where technology reigns and societal norms shift like sand, last evening I found my sanctuary in David Wilkerson’s “Hungry for More of Jesus: Experiencing His Presence in These Troubled Times.” Within the pages of this book, I encountered the unwavering spirit of Hezekiah—a symbol of resolute faith amidst adversity, a story as timeless as it is relevant.


“Yet here was the conflict: As long as this people paid tribute to the devil, they remained unmolested. They had no opposition, no war. But then Hezekiah stepped out in faith toward God. He decided there would be no more appeasing the devil, no more halfway discipleship, no more compromise or worldly ties, regardless of the cost. And that’s when he received a letter from the devil.

You see, the moment you give up on this world and put your life wholly in the hands of the Lord—watch out: All hell will come against you! You will become a target of the devil, and you will come under siege from the man of sin. You will be tested severely to see if you will really trust God in all things. And everywhere you look, you will see the enemy standing against you.”


In one gripping passage, Hezekiah faced a piercing dilemma: should he continue paying tribute to the devil, preserving a fragile peace, or take a bold step toward God, bracing for the trials that would surely follow such a declaration? His choice to reject the middle ground, to refuse appeasement in any form, was a testament to his unwavering faith. It drew a clear line between complacency and the pursuit of divine truth.

Modern Tributes and Spiritual Integrity

As I reflect on Hezekiah’s momentous decision, I see our society standing at a similar crossroads. The tributes we offer today may be more subtle, masked by the trappings of modernity. Whether it’s the relentless pursuit of wealth, the allure of validation on social media, or the quiet surrender to cultural pressures that lead us away from our core beliefs, these are the tributes Hezekiah’s story implores us to examine.

Wilkerson’s words resonate deeply as he warns, “All hell will come against you!” When we publicly affirm our faith or stand by our Christian principles, it can indeed feel like an open invitation for criticism and conflict in our increasingly secular world.

The Beauty of Unyielding Faith

Yet, there is a profound beauty and strength in Hezekiah’s unwavering stance—a beauty that resonates powerfully in our times. His resolve reminds us that authentic faith often emerges from the crucible of confrontation. By choosing not to appease the forces that oppose our beliefs, we have the opportunity to forge a faith that is resilient, authentic, and deeply rooted.

So, as we navigate the missives of our society—the emails, the news alerts, the social media feeds—vying for our allegiance, the question is: Are we content with half-hearted discipleship that offers no resistance to the status quo, or are we ready to embrace the full weight of our convictions, even if it means facing a figurative siege?

In closing the book, I let Hezekiah’s and Wilkerson’s insights settle in my heart. “Hungry for More of Jesus” doesn’t just make us readers; it invites us to be active participants in an ongoing narrative. We are challenged to seek a presence and truth greater than the tumultuous times we live in. The call to a Hezekiah-like faith isn’t an echo from the past; it’s a living, breathing invitation to each of us, right now.

As I closed the book for the evening, a lingering question stretched beyond the confines of my tranquil nook: In our quest for a deeper connection with Jesus, how can we respond to the summons for unwavering faith and authenticity in these trying times? Perhaps the solution lies in our willingness to stand resolute, much like Hezekiah did, amidst the intricate challenges of our ever-changing world.

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About The Author

I'm Hector Herrera, a lifelong follower of Christ with a background in media, design, and writing. I founded to use my creative gifts in honor of the Lord. When I'm not working on this website, I cherish time with my wife and children. Join me on this faith journey, exploring creativity and our Christian walk together.

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