Modern Tributes

Unyielding Faith in a Shifting World: Lessons from Hezekiah’s Choice

By |January 25th, 2024|Blog, Daily Bread|

In the midst of a bustling world, where technology reigns and societal norms shift like sand, last evening I found my sanctuary in David Wilkerson's "Hungry for More of Jesus: Experiencing His Presence in These Troubled Times." Within the pages of this book, I encountered the unwavering spirit of Hezekiah—a symbol of resolute faith amidst adversity, a story as timeless as it is relevant.   "Yet here was the conflict: As long as this people paid tribute to the devil, they remained unmolested. They had no opposition, no war. But then Hezekiah stepped out in faith toward God. He decided there would be no more appeasing the devil, no more halfway discipleship, no more compromise or worldly ties, regardless of the cost. And that’s when he received a letter from the devil. You see, the moment you give up on this world and put your life wholly in the hands of the Lord—watch out: All hell will come against you! You will become a target of the devil, and you will come under siege from the man of sin. You will be tested severely to see if you will really trust God in all things. And everywhere you look, you


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