Faith Journey

Bible Verses for Building Strong Faith

By |January 31st, 2024|Daily Devotional, Monthly Devotionals|

Discover the transformative power of faith through inspiring biblical verses! Join us on a journey to strengthen your faith and triumph over life's challenges with Jesus by your side. Dive into God's promises, overcome doubt, and find resilience in trials. Don't miss out!

The Radiance of Christ’s Presence: A Path to Pleasing Him in Today’s World

By |January 26th, 2024|Blog, Daily Bread|

In the quiet of the evening, I found myself immersed in a chapter from "Hungry For More of Jesus: Experiencing His Presence In These Troubled Times" by David Wilkerson. The words within spoke of a profound truth - the transformative power of Christ's presence in our lives and its relevance in the world today. "When the presence of Jesus is manifested, it exposes all secrets and brings all hidden things into the open. God’s people forsake all darkness and become open books, to be “read of all men” (2 Corinthians 3:2, KJV). Listen to the language of the spirit of holiness: “We keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight” (1 John 3:22, KJV). In the Greek translation, these words are very strong: “We keep His commandments, holding to them with great excitement, because we know it pleases Him!” Here is how I believe this spirit of holiness operates in a church where the presence of Jesus is manifested:First of all, brothers and sisters come to your church in victory with the smiles of overcomers. They testify, “I’m being changed! The Lord is putting a desire in my heart to obey Him and walk

Listen To The Voice | True Story: A Miraculous Airplane Journey of Faith and Survival (David Gibbs)

By |January 24th, 2024|Daily Bread, Video|   In the vast expanse of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, where the rugged wilderness meets the endless sky, a remarkable story of trust, faith, and the power of obedience unfolded. David, a man on an ordinary journey, found himself in an extraordinary situation that would forever change his perspective on life and faith. A Chance Encounter in the Aleutian Islands David was in Alaska for a lawsuit, far from the comforts of civilization. As he prepared to leave and head back to Anchorage, he held a ticket in his pocket, ready to board a plane. That's when an unexpected encounter occurred. A pastor approached David with an offer that would challenge his every instinct. The pastor had flown a small plane to the area and suggested that David could save his ticket by flying with him in his smaller aircraft. Initially hesitant, David eventually agreed against his better judgment. The Flight into the Unknown The two men, along with another lawyer, boarded the small plane, and the pilot started the engine. The journey began smoothly, and for a while, it seemed like an ordinary flight. However, fate had other plans. As they ascended into the clouds, the


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